Lets Together Prevent another Innocent Person from Suffering
" Lets together, as a world, help lift these labels off our children , teenagers as well as adults and give them hope for a brighter future by spreading awareness . Using my voice and who I was, to share the detrimental impact of certain lifestyles and choices".
Kerri Krysko
It takes an individual who has been there, to make a Dramatic, Powerful, Impact & Difference In all Our Communties, Schools, and in our World "
What would be more Captaviating to a Vast Audience of Youth & People, then someone who has lived it and survived...... Someone who was who I was, but most of all who I am now , a person, a woman and a survivor.....
" All of us fall victim to the promises of others, to a dream of forever, with the thought of eternal bliss and perhaps the friendship of family- Often times when we make the wrong turn, or trust to easliy, we make ourselves a slave to our personal misfortunes and mistakes. We beat ourselves up endlessly, never truly forgiving our own brutal misjudgements , therefore never truly learning how to move forward- WE as people are our worst critics and our own worst enemies; for if you learn to Accept & Forgive yourself of a mistake , a promise and even a dream that never came to fruition , you allow the NEW that is standing on your doorstep to come in " We all make mistakes , no matter rich or poor, we are us as people learning to take our own individual steps each and everyday.
To Book , at your Event , School or Corporate Organization and Programs, please use contact page , bookings form or contact TLDManagement@mail.com
"I can honestly say , it takes someone who has been there to understand the diversities of life. I was lucky I found that person to be a shoulder I COULD unleash my own personal burdens and pain ON.Don't let another day go by, that you or someone you know, might need that same special someone, as I had who actually understands.....and doesn't judge...."
- Kerri Krysko
Lets Together prevent another innocent person from suffering.
"I have had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful caring individual who is a anti bullying activist out of Chicago , her name is Kathleen Patel and if for any speaking engagements you would like a few ladies to attend please do not hesitate to address that in your e-mail inquiry. She is another who fell victim to ostrasium while she was young and made it her mission to help others". Kathleen Patel

Gang Violence
Domestic Violence
Paths + Choices
Advice + Support
I offer phone consulations and one on one support. My rates are to be determined by request and duration of time needed.
Phone Calls
30-45 minute $100.00
1Hour $150.00
Speaking engagements for your school, seminar or event are to be determined by state or province and travel. Please inquire.
Book Now, by using the contact form below.
All services can be paid by Credit Card , Certified Cheque or Paypal. Determined individually and by e-mail consultation first.